Monday, February 21, 2011

Beginning a Journey

From Tara:
My desire to adopt began many years ago. My Dad was in the military and we traveled a lot as kids. One of the places we got to live was Korea. While living there My Mother would take my sister and I to the orphanages to help just rock and hold the babies who were starving for attention or to just play with some of the older ones. Since then I have always had the desire to either help those trying to adopt or to do so myself. My husband and I now have 2 young children and now have the desire to grow our family. And after lots of prayers and discussion we felt led to start the journey of adoption. For my husband it wasn't so much the adoption he had to decide on it was whether or not he could handle a third kid!! ;) We are so excited to be taking this leap of faith and completing our family.

I am now making jewelry to sell to help raise the funds needed to adopt Internationally. We know this is the path God has set for us and know he will provide! Thank for taking the time to stop and read and we hope you continue to follow our journey with us.

From Jason:
In the past 28 years of my life I've thought of adoption exactly 0 times until 2010! I've always thought I would have a few of my own kids and that would be it. But God works things differently than I would have them often times, and for good. When Tara first mentioned adoption as something she had a desire to do I didn't let it really impact me. I figured it was something we could talk more seriously about in 5-10 years, when our kids were older. But Tara was persistent in praying about this herself as well as encouraging me to pray about it. When I seriously started praying for direction God quickly revealed my selfish reasons for not wanting to adopt. Through a wonderful group of friends in a couple of our small groups (some of which were and our adopting themselves) God began to give me a desire for orphans. One friend put it this way, "Christians ARE God's plan for orphans". I have a feeling this process will change our lives. It will no doubt change me, and that is exciting.

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